London - BBC News reports that former Labour Foreign Secretary Lord Owen has rubbished British intelligence, saying millions of people felt 'deceived':
The way the government presented its case for war with Iraq has corrupted the Whitehall body responsible for assessing intelligence, according to Lord Owen. The former Labour foreign secretary said it could be decades before the joint intelligence committee (JIC) recovered from the damage it had suffered. Lord Owen argued that British intelligence agencies had been turned into a "laughing stock" by the government's dodgy dossier, which was later found to be based on a PhD thesis posted on the internet.
And the SDP founder criticised JIC chairman John Scarlett for allowing Tony Blair's communications chief, Alastair Campbell and Number 10 chief of staff Jonathan Powell to make changes to the earlier September dossier. Speaking ahead of the results of the judicial inquiry into the death of government weapons expert Dr David Kelly being conducted by Lord Hutton, he said that although he did not feel duped over the way the case for war was presented, millions did feel "deceived".
Speaking at the London School of Economics, Lord Owen said: "I do not need to await Lord Hutton's verdict to judge that the joint intelligence committee machinery, which I have known well and respected, was corrupted in the run up to that war in a way which will leave damage for decades to come. "It is impossible to believe that Sir Anthony Duff, Sir Percy Craddock or Dame Pauline Neville-Jones, to name but three heads of the JIC with whom I have worked, would ever have conducted themselves as John Scarlett did with Jonathan Powell and Alastair Campbell over amending the statement on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. "The other so-called 'dodgy' dossier on which Alastair Campbell has already apologised left our joint intelligence services a laughing stock.