WASHINGTON — In the year since U.S. occupation forces in Iraq handed over political control of the country to Iraqis, nearly 900 American troops have been killed and 7,800 others have been wounded battling an increasingly lethal insurgency.
That's the grim reality facing the country as President Bush journeys Tuesday to address the nation from Ft. Bragg, a North Carolina base that's home to the Army's special operations forces and the 82nd Airborne Division, both of which have seen extensive combat in Iraq.
With polls showing six in ten Americans opposing the war, Bush hopes to rally the country for what promises to be continued bloodshed in a conflict that has taken the lives of 1,734 U.S. troops since fighting began in March, 2003.
In a prime time speech the White House has asked the television networks to carry live, Bush will make the case that, behind the mounting human toll, important political gains are being made, laying the groundwork for an eventual U.S. withdrawal.
When that might come, Bush won't say, although Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari predicted in London on Monday that two more years would be "more than enough" time for Iraqi security forces to take over the job from American troops.