It's too bad author/singer/activist Tristan Egolf didn't live to see this day., Smoketown Six settle suit
Lampeter to pay $25,000; case against troopers pending
Intelligencer Journal
LANCASTER COUNTY, PA - Lawyers for the Smoketown Six announced Monday they reached a $25,000 settlement with police officers who arrested the demonstrators during President Bush’s visit to Lancaster County last summer.
The resolution with East Lampeter Township police comes eight weeks after Tristan Egolf, spokesman for the protesters, committed suicide at his North Charlotte Street apartment.
Egolf and six other Lancaster city men stripped to thong underwear July 9, 2004, the day the president spoke in Smoketown.
The demonstrators, standing along Old Philadelphia Pike as the president’s motorcade approached, piled on top of each other in an effort to re-enact an infamous photo of a human pyramid of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. .........