wants more Afghanistan troops
Thursday, October 9, 2003 Posted: 8:34 PM EDT (0034 GMT)
NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson.
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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado (AP) -- NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson has pressed allied nations to offer more troops for Afghanistan as the alliance prepares to expand its peacekeeping mission there.
Diplomats at a meeting of NATO defense ministers said the existing alliance operation with 5,500 troops in the Afghan capital is still short of full strength, over two months after NATO took command of the force.
The alliance is also looking to extend its mission into up to eight provincial cities, which NATO officials said could involve several thousand more troops.
Robertson wants allies to provide 10 more helicopters for the existing International Security Assistance Force in Kabul, and is seeking 30 extra intelligence officers.
We Need More troops and more troops and more troops :bounce: