By MARY DALRYMPLE, Associated Press Writer
21 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - Veterans Affairs Secretary Jim Nicholson asked lawmakers Thursday for an extra $975 million for veterans health care this year to fill a politically awkward shortfall revealed last week.
The administration's budget asked lawmakers to spend $33.4 billion next year on veterans programs under congressional control. Lawmakers already planned to spend about $1 billion more than that, signaling their unwillingness to follow through on a presidential proposal to charge certain veterans a health care enrollment fee and increase copayments for prescription drugs.
In the House, Rep. Bob Filner (news, bio, voting record), D-Calif., told Nicholson he should resign.
In the Senate, Reid said the administration took a "path of denial that ultimately bordered on outright deceit" and said of Nicholson, "His qualifications are he was chairman of the national Republican Party. He's head of veterans benefits now."