GENEVA (AP) - The International Red Cross said Friday many detainees held by the U.S. military in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, were suffering ``a worrying deterioration'' in mental health because Washington had ignored appeals to give them legal rights.
``They have no idea about their fate and they have no means of recourse at their disposal through any legal mechanism,'' said Florian Westphal, spokesman for the International Committee of the Red Cross.
Westphal said the ICRC, the only independent body with access to the detainees, said it had yet to see ``any significant movement'' from U.S. officials to its long-standing request that the United States give the detainees due legal process in accordance with humanitarian law.
``We have observed what we consider to be a worrying deterioration in the psychological health of a large number of the internees'' because of the uncertainty of their situation, Westphal told The Associated Press.