Edited on Fri Oct-10-03 01:18 PM by benfranklin1776
...in the state legislature. They elected to take the entirety of the month of August off even though a final state budget has yet to be passed. The city has requested help numerous times and has been rebuffed. Murphy is faced with a not so unique problem in that a growing number of people live outside the city but work in it. Also the legislature in their "infinite wisdom" has granted some of Pittsburgh's biggest corporations exemptions from business taxes that other less politically connected businesses pay and there is huge chunk of real estate in the city (approximately 40%) which has been granted tax exempt status by the legislature since it is owned by large non profit corporations and foundations. This has created a perfect budget storm. Real relief will have to come from the legislature in the form of allowing an increase in the occupational privilege tax, which I and other non city residents pay, and stands at a ludicrously low ten dollars and hasn't been raised since 1966. Also the tax exemptions for the big companies have to go and there has to be some form of revenue sharing to compensate for the loss of revenue from the tax exempt land as the legislature has granted to counties which contain tax exempt state parks. Murphy, whom I have no great love for, since to me he is a DINO, is nevertheless not to blame. He is now cutting to the bone and through it in terms of spending. He is down to laying off police, firefighters and EMS personnel. Even if you removed him the problems still exist and will not be solved until the legislature ceases to be obstructionist.