but Bush decided to sit on his fucking thumbs which were straight up his alcoholic AWOL ass in Crawford and think about it (or not).
Meanwhile, chicken shit John Ashcroft (amongst others truly in the know of the elevated terrorist warnings) was flying private CHARTER jets because he knew there was an elevated hijacking threat.
And then of course there is fucking Condi Rice claiming "we never thought they would use planes as missiles", despite all the previous evidence indicating planes as missiles was a very real and lethal possibility-
Bojinka, Algerians in Paris, etc...Why the fuck do you think Bush stalled and resisted the 9/11 investigation for as long as humanly possible? Do you not also remember that Ashcroft and Bush had cut anti-terrorism funding in the bill sitting on his desk the morning of 9/11?
Now let me vent:
I am mad as hell that history may not properly record how America, on 9/11 was the direct victim of George W. Bush's amazingly amazing cluelessness, incompetence, and complete unfitness to be Commander in Chief.
I am also mad as hell that red staters think terrorism affects all of America, when the very real fact of the matter is that it is almost exclusively an URBAN problem with blue staters on the very front lines.
Lastly I feel very sorry for the soldiers in Iraq, who must now realize how completely futile their "mission" is in Iraq- 'Flypaper'?... 'Fighting them over there'?.....
Sorry guys, but hopefully today's horror will serve to shatter the myth of what Bush and the neocons would have us believe you are doing-because not one innocent life was saved today by your occupation of Iraq- in fact, one can argue quite reasonably that your presence there- cheered on by your inept CiC who preaches of "victory" safely from what should rightfully be Al Gore's and/or John Kerry's White House (2 guys BTW who actually showed up for their duty) helped bring about today's attacks. But hey, the mission seems to have degenerated down to just keeping yourselves from getting killed- so take another shot at any Iraqis who happen to get too close to you- and I can't say that I blame you, but I do blame Bush.
The flag waving sheep across the land need a clue: This is NOT a military 'war'. The sooner you come to realize this truth, the sooner we can get on to 'winning' the 'war' on terror.