to rehabilitate himself.
They need to ask him why he treated Rep. John Conyers so shabbily over the DSM matter....and why he acted like a 2 year old during the Patriot(Not) Act hearings.
Here are some of Tex's ratings on Civil rights issues: Rights
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2004 Representative Sensenbrenner supported the interests of the Arab American Institute 0 percent in 2004.
2003-2004 Representative Sensenbrenner supported the interests of the Human Rights Campaign 0 percent in 2003-2004.
2003-2004 Representative Sensenbrenner supported the interests of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 23 percent in 2003-2004.
2003-2004 Representative Sensenbrenner supported the interests of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights 11 percent in 2003-2004.
2003 Representative Sensenbrenner supported the interests of the Arab American Institute 0 percent in 2003.
2003 Representative Sensenbrenner supported the interests of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights 22 percent in 2003.
2003 Representative Sensenbrenner supported the interests of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 15 percent in 2003.
2001-2002 Representative Sensenbrenner supported the interests of the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda 17 percent in 2001-2002.
2001-2002 Based on the votes, and co-sponsorships the Human Rights Campaign considered to be the most important in 2001-2002, Representative Sensenbrenner voted their preferred position 17 percent of the time..
2001-2002 Representative Sensenbrenner supported the interests of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights 8 percent in 2001-2002.
2001-2002 Representative Sensenbrenner supported the interests of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 33 percent in 2001-2002.
2001-2002 Bsed on legislative votes, sponsorship of legislation not voted upon, and endorsements of special "dear colleague" letters that the Arab American Institute considered to be the most important in 2001-2002, Representative Sensenbrenner supported their preferred position 25 percent of the time.
2001 Representative Sensenbrenner supported the interests of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 36 percent in 2001.
2001 Representative Sensenbrenner supported the interests of the Human Rights Campaign 17 percent in 2001.
2001 Representative Sensenbrenner supported the interests of the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda 9 percent in 2001.
2000 Representative Sensenbrenner supported the interests of the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda 50 percent in 2000.
2000 Representative Sensenbrenner supported the interests of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 33 percent in 2000.
1999-2000 Representative Sensenbrenner supported the interests of the Human Rights Campaign 10 percent in 1999-2000.
1999-2000 Representative Sensenbrenner supported the interests of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights 25 percent in 1999-2000.
1997-1998 On the votes that the Campaign for a Color Blind America considered to be the most important in 1997-1998, Representative Sensenbrenner voted their preferred position 100 percent of the time.