FBI Whistleblower Testifies That Government Scientist Lied About Bomb Crystals
A government scientist lied when he claimed that ammonium nitrate crystals found on Oklahoma City bombing debris had been embedded by the force of the blast, an FBI whistleblower testified Wednesday at bombing conspirator Terry Nichols' state murder trial.
Frederic Whitehurst, testifying for the defense, said an FBI forensic scientist he trained himself, Steven Burmeister, also lied when he testified that the crystals came from the kind of fertilizer believed to have been used in the bombing.
Whitehurst said there was not enough evidence to support either of Burmeister's conclusions.
"He is my student. And I trust him like a brother. But he lied under oath. He lied," Whitehurst said, appearing to grimace with emotion.
http://ap.tbo.com/ap/breaking/MGAHWG3VFUD.htmlLost In Translation
Edmonds says that the supervisor, in an effort to slow her down, went so far as to erase completed translations from her FBI computer after she'd left work for the day.
“The next day I would come to work, turn on my computer and the work would be gone. The translation would be gone,” she says. “Then I had to start all over again and retranslate the same document. And I went to my supervisor and he said, ‘Consider it a lesson and don't talk about it to anybody else and don't mention it.’”
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/10/25/60minutes/main526954.shtml FBI official charged with obstruction after concealing Ruby Ridge report
(Harp was in on this too and now he heads the anthrax cover-up.)
http://www.cnn.com/US/9610/22/ruby.ridge.final /
Busting the FBI
The Judi Bari verdict bares government lies and deceit
They found that six agents of the FBI and the Oakland police twisted a murder attempt against Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney, two Earth First! activists working to reform logging practices
http://www.laweekly.com/ink/02/31/news-kuipers.php Fighting an FBI frame-up
An Earth First! member relates how she and Darryl Cherney were framed by the FBI for a car bombing that nearly killed them. The frame-up was one of a long series of events in the FBI's campaign against the environmental movement. It has been four years since Darryl Cherney and I were nearly killed in a 1990 car-bomb assassination attempt, then arrested for possession of the bomb
http://www.wildrockies.org/cove/news/62194nw.html Did The FBI Destroy Evidence?
The FBI and prosecutors ordered the destruction in 1999 of evidence from a bank robbery they once suspected linked Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh to white supremacists who were threatening before McVeigh's bombing to attack the government, documents show.
The evidence included a surveillance videotape of a bank robbery by some of the supremacists that occurred in Ohio five months before the bombing. The FBI lab compared the tape to pictures of McVeigh, but concluded a match was "inconclusive," internal memos show.
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/02/12/national/main540266.shtml FBI Whistleblower Harassed
Special agent John Roberts says he was threatened, intimidated and humiliated for exposing what he said has become a pattern of misconduct at the highest levels of the FBI and that has gone unpunished.
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/11/25/60minutes/main530750.shtml FBI Meeting Called A Sham
A Justice Department investigation into a 1997 retirement dinner for former FBI Deputy Director Larry A. Potts said senior bureau executives used a sham conference at the FBI training academy in Quantico, Va., to justify using taxpayer funds for cross-country travel to Washington.
http://www.americansovereign.com/newsarchive/fbisham.htm Phone records: Link from state official to FBI
Deputy AG reportedly sought federal aid to find missing Democrats
http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dallas/politics/state/stories/... The FBI is conducting an exhaustive review of each of its thousands of human intelligence sources to ensure the information they provide is accurate and that their relationships with FBI handlers are proper.
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/04/28/national/main551346.shtml -----------
Earth Threatened, Wen Ho Lee Released
http://unquietmind.com/wenholee.html Wen Ho Lee is Just one more example of FBI Misdirection. Many elements of the case are similar to Unabomber Charade. Together they are textbook examples of Government tactics on Black Ops.
http://www.unabombers.com/z23.htm http://www.wenholee.org /
FBI Agent, Turner, blew whistle on Ground Zero, 911, theft.
She says she immediately reported the problem to a federal prosecutor, then to her supervisor, and waited for him to act.
Two weeks later, after nothing apparently had been done, Turner seized the globe, bagged it as evidence and took it to Justice Department officials in Washington.
(She's being fired.)
http://www.msnbc.com/news/907004.asp?0cv=CB10 -------
Poll: 4 out of 10 Americans don't trust FBI
http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2001-05-22-mcveigh-pollstory.htm -------
With defense lawyers stepping up challenges to genetic evidence, the Justice Department inspector general is examining the FBI lab unit that analyzes DNA in hundreds of cases a year after a technician was caught failing to follow proper procedure.
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/03/11/tech/main543575.shtml -------
FBI says it withheld evidence from McVeigh lawyers
http://www.cnn.com/2001/LAW/05/10/mcveigh.evidence.02 /
Nichols: FBI Withheld On Purpose
A lawyer for Terry Nichols, who was convicted as Timothy McVeigh's assistant in the Oklahoma City bombing, claimed the FBI may have intentionally withheld documents from defense lawyers and misled federal prosecutors.
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2001/05/14/national/main291113.shtml FBI report on agents released after long delay
An internal FBI report kept under wraps for three years details dozens of cases of agents fired for egregious misconduct and crimes, including drug trafficking, attempted murder, theft, misuse of informants and consorting with prostitutes.
The report, released Wednesday by Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, found that about one in 1,000 agents was dismissed for serious misconduct or criminal offenses by the FBI during the period examined, from 1986 to 1999. The average was between eight and nine per year.
Although the numbers were small, the FBI’s attempts to prevent the report’s disclosure from the public and Congress since its completion in June 2000 is raising questions among FBI critics about an attempt to avoid embarrassment.
Grassley, a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said in a letter Wednesday to FBI Director Robert Mueller that he was concerned about “a lack of response to the findings and recommendations, a general lack of support for the project and even efforts to prevent its completion.”
Grassley said the report “almost never saw the light of day.” It was only provided to lawmakers in July 2003, months after it was requested, and was accompanied by a Justice Department letter urging that it be kept confidential.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4312671/PORTLAND, May 24 (Reuters) - A Muslim attorney from Oregon, held for two weeks, often manacled and chained, as a material witness in the March 11 train bombing in Spain, was cleared on Monday with an apology from the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation.
"Hamdullilah, thank God I'm here," 37 year-old Brandon Mayfield told a packed press conference.
Mayfield, who was released on Friday, had been held under the 1984 material witness law because Spanish authorities and the Federal Bureau of Investigation had thought that a single fingerprint on a bag with detonators found near a Madrid train station matched his print.
But the Federal District Court said on Monday that "he was the victim of a misidentification by the FBI" and at a separate FBI press conference, Robert Jordan, the FBI agent in charge of the Oregon office, apologized to Mayfield and his family for the hardships his detention has caused.
http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/N24384876.htm ++++++++++++++++++++++
FBI Whistleblower Claims Confirmed
WASHINGTON, July 29, 2004
"The problems were systemic problems that existed within the FBI's translation units that involve security breaches and also incompetence. These were the problems I reported."
Sibel Edmonds
(CBS) A newly disclosed letter confirmed charges by a former FBI interpreter that she was fired at least in part because she blew the whistle on incompetent workers at the bureau.
When the FBI fired interpreter Sibel Edmonds more than two years ago after only a few months on the job, it had no idea the can of worms it was opening up. And today it got yet another taste.
In a letter released on Capitol Hill, FBI Director Robert Mueller acknowledged that the a recently concluded internal Justice Department investigation found "a contributing factor" in Edmonds firing was the fact that she had accused the bureau of ineptitude, reports CBS News Correspondent Jim Stewart.
Edmonds insisted today, the ineptitude still exists.
"The problems were systemic problems that existed within the FBI's translation units that involve security breaches and also incompetence. These were the problems I reported," she said.
Edmonds is now working on her PhD and acts as an advisor to the Sept. 11 families. It was just after the Sept. 11 attacks that she offered her services to the FBI as a Turkish and Middle Eastern language specialist.
But shortly after joining the bureau's Washington field office, she said she encountered sloppy work by colleagues and was told by superiors to work slower so the bureau might justify demands for a bigger budget.
"I was warned that if I were to make these issues public and take them outside the bureau I would be retaliated against and I would be fired. And exactly that's what occurred," she said.
Mueller said he would work with the Justice Department to determine whether disciplinary action is required of any bureau employees as a result of the Edmonds case.
Meanwhile the bureau insists it has made progress with its translation problems by hiring more interpreters. On Sept. 11 it had only 70 Arabic speakers. Now it has over 200, but acknowledges it still needs more.
U.S. to Unseal Evidence in Failed China Spy Case
A federal judge threw out the government's case against Leung in January, saying prosecutors had engaged in misconduct by barring her FBI handler, James Smith, from talking to Leung's lawyers.