Edited on Tue Jul-12-05 06:34 AM by Mark E. Smith
July 12
Sharp jump in number of Americans who say Iraq has made U.S. less safe from terrorism.
PRINCETON, NJ -- A new CNN/USA TODAY/Gallup survey this past weekend shows that the July 7 terrorist attacks in London have raised the specter of more terrorism in the United States, with a majority of Americans now expecting an imminent attack.
There is also a sharp increase in the percentage who say the war in Iraq has made the country less safe from terrorism, and that terrorism is the most important problem facing the country.
"How likely is it that there will be further acts of terrorism in the United States over the next several weeks?"
Very/Somewhat likely 55% (up from 35%)
Not too/Not at all likely 44% (down from 63%)
"Do you think the war with Iraq has made the U.S. safer -- or less safe -- from terrorism?"
Safer 40% (down from 44%)
Less safe 54% (up from 39%)
http://www.gallup.com/poll/content/?ci=17245For the first time we're seeing polling data that shows that the American people are attributing an action of George W. Bush to an increase in the risk of terrorism here in the United States. And while this poll shows Bush's approval number rising from 46% to 49% (within the margin of error), what we're seeing here is the beginning of some serious erosion of confidence in George W. Bush and his policies in the one area he has always polled well.
This bodes very poorly for him in the long run.
It is only one small step from "The war in Iraq has made us less safe" to "President Bush has endangered the country with his awful war."