``We've reached the point where the qualifications are: You need to be photogenic to run for president; you need to seem to be a person of action. And unlike the days of generals running for president, you can even be a celebrity without a shred of organizational or administrative competence,'' says Bryce Nelson, journalism professor at the University of Southern California's Annenberg School of Communications.
``Nobody can get elected on their resume,'' says U.S. Rep. Jim Davis, D-Tampa.
``I think we're going down a terrible road in this country,'' Jarding says. ``Money and celebrity are way too powerful in American politics. Guys with serious ideas, we haven't figured out how to generate a genuine debate. Sound bites and technology reign.
This sums up my feelings about such statements as, "I would vote for him, but he's just not electable." When we ALL get tired and fed up with this media hype and decide WE are going to SERIOUSLY take back our country in spite of the media and all the $$$$ influentials, THEN it will no longer matter and we will see an uprising like is happening in South America with Chavez. Until then, expect the same old road, same old hype just with different window dressing. Even some of us who are awake to the realities STILL need to wake up to this fact and shake off the puppet strings that are keeping them in THIS matrix!
http://news.tbo.com/news/MGA8EG5HOLD.htmlMy apologies just woke up!