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NYT ;Officials' Pitch for Drug Plan Meets Skeptics

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edhopper Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-17-05 04:09 PM
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NYT ;Officials' Pitch for Drug Plan Meets Skeptics
From the NY Times
Another giant load of crap * dumped on the American People isn't working out. Big surprize!
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OKNancy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-17-05 04:15 PM
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1. A snip from the article
SCARBOROUGH, Me., July 15 - Four months before enrollment begins, the Bush administration has started a cross-country campaign to sell its most significant domestic policy initiative, the new Medicare drug benefit. But it is encountering skepticism from some consumers, whose participation is critical to the program's success.

In a stop here, four top Bush administration officials, including the surgeon general of the United States, said the drug benefit would be a boon to retirees, worth $1,300 a year to a typical recipient and much more to those with low incomes.

But the officials offered none of the details that would have allowed beneficiaries to judge for themselves. Crucial information, like the monthly premiums and the names of covered drugs, will not be available until mid-September.

After hearing federal officials praise the program for about 45 minutes, Joan M. Jenness, 72, of Bridgton, Me., said: "I heard nothing I had not heard before. I still have lots of questions."

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54anickel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-17-05 04:25 PM
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2. Well, guess this is another failure. Of course the "healthy" folks aren't
going to be gullible to sign-up for a "pig-in-a-poke". Most will hold off on signing up until they understand what it's all about. Does Bush think they are all fools like him?

Of course, once they do understand what a rip this is they're certainly not gonna sign-up. What a frickin' fiasco, again.

The economics of the new program depend on the assumption that large numbers of relatively healthy people will enroll and pay premiums, to help defray the costs of those with high drug expenses. Insurers say the new program cannot survive if the only people who sign up are heavy users of prescription drugs.

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Iowa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-17-05 04:31 PM
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3. If it were really a decent program...
Bush wouldn't need to "sell" it; people would be beating the doors down to get it.
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