Ok, hopefully I can preface this with the fact that I am a cyberactivist on these topics and it's pretty clear that we believe it's massive race to the bottom:
I don't think we should kill all H-1Bs and L-1s. But, ya know threatening it ain't so bad if it would get the system cleaned up and they actually enforced the VISA requirements!
The reason I say that is the programs USED to be for basically true expertise that could not be found anywhere else. And this is true, when you get into areas of physics, mathematics and so forth at the PhD level it's important to be able to bring the best and the brightest and frankly these people on a personal level might not want to immigrate to the US, so having these visas available is important to keep the R&D in the US #1, plus they do add to the culture and quality of the nation (think about all of the "US" scientists going back to Nicole Tesla who were immigrants...huge and this portion of immigration needs to be preserved, 1 Tesla alone is why)
Clearly that said, I think the current abuses(replacing a US MS with an MSc is actually lower qualifications, replacing @ 20%-70% less than the salary the US engineer was earning, etc.) are an outrage and work daily to point it out and it's a major industry in India obviously to figure out how to abuse the H-1B and L-1 US VISA system. I've posted on here about it and our site is devoted to exposes this method of labor arbitrage. Plus I think we have a massive reverse discrimination going on. No way can the "geniuses of high tech, who were primarily Americans" suddenly be shit and the only way to get a "good" engineer is to bring in a foreigner. I've read that propaganda I don't know how many times, from articles and CEOs.
I also think the US needs to act and fast for major increase in financial support for US students ONLY in graduate school... plus we've got a problem with the fields themselves. To get a Masters takes 5-6 years plus 3-5 years to really gain expertise and here we have industry treating professionals like a cheap commodity. Who is going to study when job security is nil on these difficult areas of math, engineering and science.
I also don't think they can blank deport 10 (probably more like 20) million people. Just the logistics of this sound insane (can you see the trucks and the logistics in rounding up 20M people and shipping them across the border plus making sure they truly are illegals and so on?)and if you think about it case by case, how many illegals have been here 20 years manage a restaurant, kids here and so on and are basically doing the American dream. I see no real economic reason to ship them off frankly, if they are contributing, have money, not sucking up social services/working in the underground economy, good citizens, established roots here...(basically everything you would want from a successful immigration except the fact they jumped the border)....I do see a major economic reason to stop the ones who are newly here and I find it disgusting the ones who are working the system heavily (fake SS getting social benefits like housing supplements, working under the table and so forth).
I think a more sane attitude/policy like Canada is not a bad thing to look at. You cannot immigrate to Canada without having a set of criteria (such as a job waiting, skills, clean criminal record, etc.).
I also just do not know how the US is going to even process 20M people. That alone is huge buckos...it needs to be done but I think at a local level(police expanded to do first screen). Sure you need to start doing a "round up" of the ones who are criminals right now and close the border right now.
Tancredo are going after employers plus increasing funds and demanding the border be secured. That portion is 100% dead on. They also have a delay in their plan to do this before examining deportation. I think liberals should get in there and work with them to negotiate some modifications for what makes sense, what is humane and what works based on labor economics. They do have guest worker VISAS but they are going to mass deport before allowing people to apply. I think that is where the flaw is.
But, honestly I think there are going to be exceptions to this rule and I just don't believe one can "blanket deport" 20M people. and you have to keep humanity as well as what's good about immigration into the picture. A blanket answer is going to give injustice..but amnesty I think is just as bad. WE've got an underground economic system a system based on fake IDs, supplementing income with social services designed to support legal residents, employers using illegals to union bust, wage depress and put workers in dangerous situations with no responsibility. That's got to stop.