Chinese Buildup Seen as Threat to Region
By Ann Scott Tyson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, July 20, 2005; Page A16
China's military buildup is broadening the reach of its forces in Asia and poses a long-term threat not only to Taiwan but to the U.S. military in the Pacific and to regional powers such as India and Japan, according to an assessment released yesterday by the Pentagon.
The Beijing government is also improving and expanding its nuclear arsenal, fielding more advanced nuclear missiles capable of striking India, Russia and "virtually all of the United States," said the annual China military power report, based on U.S. intelligence and mandated by Congress. The report, however, said China's ability to project its conventional military power remains limited.
China's defense spending could grow to $90 billion in 2005 -- three times the Chinese government's official figure -- making the country's military budget the world's third-largest, after the United States and Russia, and the biggest in Asia.
The report comes as the Pentagon focuses on China's steady military modernization as a driving force in long-range U.S. defense strategy and overseas basing, American military officials and analysts say. It generated intense debate within the Bush administration, with the State Department pushing for a benign depiction of China's intentions, while the Pentagon sought to emphasize a looming threat, defense officials said.
The report suggests a renewed wariness of China on the part of the Bush administration, which has collaborated with Beijing on the effort to curb North Korea's nuclear programs and in the fight against terrorism since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Yesterday's report reflected the fact that over the last several years China's massive investment in defense has become far more stark and deliberate. "Without a doubt, the direction Chinese military modernization has taken in recent years absolutely represents a growing threat to the U.S.," said Evan Medeiros, an expert on China's military at the Rand Corp. Still, several analysts agreed that U.S. military dominance in the region is secure for at least another decade....