NAFTA caused MUCH MORE damage than the loss of a few Hundred Thousand jobs. That estimate is
waaaay low. NAFTA has DIRECTLY caused the loss of entire communities and support industries across America, and the job losses are STILL happening. NAFTA has directly caused a
significant across the board decrease in wages and benefits for the Working Class. It has also provided the
Corporate Owners a
terror tool to bring LABOR under their heel by threatening to
move offshore!
Corporations in and of themselves are not the problem, they are merely the vehicle that the RICH CORPORATE OWNERS have used to hi-jack our Democracy. There is even a powerful organization INSIDE the Democratic Party that is dedicated to INCREASING the POWER and INFLUENCE of the Rich Corporate Owners inside the Democratic Party (DLC). CAFTA passed in the Senate with the help of
Democratic members of the DLC.Defeating CAFTA is only the first step in reclaiming America for ALL of us and NOT just the
Ownership Class.
Here is a list of SOME things that NEED to be done to protect the American Working Class.
*Listen to
Bernie Sanders Friday Mornings on the Thom Hartmann Radio Show
Brunch with Bernie 11AM Central here:*Even if you hate him, listen to Ralph Nader and read his books.
The FIRST thing that SHOULD be done:
*Enact legislation that would make it possible for Mom & Pop to compete with Wal-Marts(term used generically). If Wal-Marts use their size to demand a lower price from suppliers, that supplier MUST make those goods available in the US for EVERY retailer at THE SAME PRICE. Transportation costs for small business would be subsidized to offset the bulk transportation discounts of the HUGE retailers.*Withdraw from NAFTA (and all current trade treaties). NAFTA cannot be
adjusted or
tweaked. NAFTA and Free Trade in its current incarnation are BAD TO THE CORE. They are
flawed in concept. All international trade treaties should be renegotiated on a BI-Lateral basis conditional on Human Rights, Labor Rights, and Environmental Protection (Level Playing Field). In
every case,
"barriers to trade" were put in place
to protect something valuable!
*Criminalize Corporate lobbying in government.
*Publicly Financed Campaigns ONLY!
*Instant RunOff Elections.
*No BBV without Paper Ballots.
*Aggressively prosecute conflict of interests in government
*Criminalize "secret" offshore accounts for Corporations doing business in the US.
*Legislate transparency in Corporate business. Open the books to the public and offer a 10% bounty to any individual that can uncover Corporate Fraud.
*Limit Corporations owning other Corporations. Complete transparency in Corporate ownership.
*Limit Corporate Profits (the 46% RECORD Profit vs. Record Prices for the Major Oil Cos. last quarter should be illegal. Wasn't gouging illegal at one time?
*Limit the size and power of Corporations (ala Teddy Roosevelt)
*Corporations should be required to commit some profits to education, community charities and infrastructure. Some profits would be required to stay in the neighborhood.
*Re-regulate (and maybe Public Ownership) of Energy, Transportation, & Utilities.
*Support Locally Owned Businesses in your neighborhood!!!
Face the fact that the Rich Corporate Owners have bought their way into the Democratic Party and have enough POWER to control the Party Platform. Identify those Democrats who have SOLD their VOTES to the RICH and POWERFUL. There are three touchstones that can be used:
1) Membership in the DLC
3) Votes FOR the Bankruptcy Bill, Tort Reform, CAFTA, support for Eternal War! (This should not be used exclusively. Some are able to hide their connections to Corporate Bribes once enough Democratic Votes have been bought to ensure the passage of Anti-Labor legislation)
Actively Work to support Primary Opponents to these
Republicans in Donkey suits. Work to
publicly expose their true allegiance to MONEY.
Support the people and organizations INSIDE the Democratic Party that represent the American Working Class. You can find them at: SINGLE ISSUE will determine the Quality of Life for THE WORLD in the next 50 years.
Don't be distracted by the wedge issues the Corporate Owners and CorpoMedia want you to think are important. The Rich Corporate Owners DON"T CARE:
*who gets an abortion,
*who owns what kind of gun,
*who you pray to or which church you attend,
*whether you call yourself a
Liberal or a
They are perfectly happy to have the American electorate deciding their votes on these issues. THEY WIN either way.
America should be for ALL of us, not just the RICH Ownership Class!