,1280,-5158069,00.htmlWASHINGTON (AP) - In the latest evidence that Congress is chafing at President Bush's limits on spending, a Senate panel Thursday rejected cuts to Amtrak and voted to significantly increase spending for highways, airport construction and community development grants.
The Appropriations Committee also voted to effectively raise by $2 billion Bush's $843 billion limit for spending passed each year at Congress' discretion. That was done in order to take care of recently discovered shortfalls in the budget for veterans' health care.
The panel approved three spending bills by unanimous 28-0 votes. Takeation, Treasury, Housing and Urban Development and Veterans Affairs, as well as the federal contribution to the District of Columbia.
The increases to Amtrak's subsidies would permit the troubled railroad to keep open routes that required huge subsidies, such as the Sunset Limited, the Florida-to-California route that loses more than $400 per passenger.