weeks ago, and found it really interesting.
Gitmo GIs converting
to Islam?
Algerian lawmaker claims prisoners influencing U.S. security personnel
Posted: September 25, 2003
5:00 p.m. Eastern
© 2003 WorldNetDaily.com
In the wake of the arrest of two U.S. Muslim troops at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp on espionage charges, an Algerian lawmaker is claiming the terror-related detainees at the facility have convinced several of their guards to convert to Islam.
Hassan Aribi says eight Algerian arrestees whose freedom he negotiated told him of the development, reports Islam Online.
"They told me that the American guards were very sympathetic with them to the extent of buying the detainees' needs
of their pocket money," the Algerian lawmaker told a seminar in Cairo, the newssite reports.
The official maintains the freed Algerians reported some of the American guards had embraced Islam due to "daily interaction with Muslim prisoners for the past two years." Aribi did not indicate how many of the guards converted. (snip/...)
I'm sure there have been multiple stories written on this starting when they first started noticing some of the guards were taking mental notes on their prisoners.
An article I read, which I can't locate right now, said that a guard interviewed revealed that he had been deeply moved by the attitude, or spirit of some of the prisoners he saw, and decided to try to find out more about their religion.
I'm not gullible, and I damned well believe this. Thanks for posting the article, PsychoDad.