New Latin-Focused TV Station Telesur Begins Transmitting With Venezuela's Support
A new TV station backed by Venezuela's government began transmitting Sunday in various countries across Latin America, carrying praise by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, American actor Danny Glover and others. The Telesur network, which organizers call a Latin alternative to large media outlets like CNN, was being seen in Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Brazil and Cuba as well as Venezuela, Chavez said.
"This is part of an awakening of our peoples," Chavez said by phone to a televised inaugural ceremony in Caracas. Chavez, a close ally of Cuban leader Fidel Castro, called the channel a key step toward regional integration, with the sole purpose of "telling the truth." The station, funded by Venezuela and also backed by Argentina, Uruguay and Cuba, has drawn concern in the U.S. Congress, where House members last week approved a measure to transmit radio and television broadcasts to Venezuela to ensure citizens receive "accurate news."
Chavez has called the U.S. plan ridiculous and has said Venezuela is prepared to jam the broadcasts. He also said Venezuela would prevent any signals from interfering with Telesur's programs. The president likened the satellite channel to the cooperative oil projects Petrosur and Petrocaribe, aimed at sharing Venezuela's fuel with neighboring countries under preferential terms. He said U.S. leaders, through seeking conflict with his government, want "to assure themselves" Venezuelan oil.
"We want to keep supporting the American people to the point that we can, supplying them energy, but not only to large U.S. companies, or the established power in Washington," said Chavez, whose country remains a major supplier to the United States. Some critics call Telesur a way to spread anti-American propaganda in South America - an accusation strongly denied by Venezuelan Information Minister Andres Izarra, the station's president. "It's an initiative against imperialism," Izarra said during the televised ceremony. "That shouldn't be interpreted, however, as an initiative against the American people." The station, headquartered in Caracas, is to offer news programs, opinion shows, documentaries and Latin American films. It is to be on the air four hours a day at first, and eventually 24 hours a day. Test transmissions began two months ago.