Democrats block China bill easing way for CAFTA
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives blocked a Republican bill on Tuesday aimed at boosting support for a free trade agreement with Central America by addressing trade concerns with China.
Republicans hoped a victory on the bill would build momentum for a vote this week on the U.S.-Central American Free Trade Agreement, or CAFTA, by persuading trade-wary Republicans from industrial states like Pennsylvania and Michigan to support the trade pact. But Democrats attacked the bill as a cosmetic attempt to tackle serious trade problems with China.
Most House Democrats oppose CAFTA, which would tear down trade barriers between the United States, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. House Speaker Dennis Hastert told reporters on Tuesday that Republicans were still working to round up the 218 votes they need to win approval of the trade pact.
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Bill Thomas, a California Republican, said Republicans could bring the bill to the House floor again on Wednesday on the regular calendar, where it will only need a majority to win approval.