It's been just three weeks since Gen. Wesley Clark tossed his helmet into the presidential ring, but already he has emerged as one of the strongest Democratic contenders.
Supporters showered him with $3.5 million in cash during the first two weeks alone, and the volunteers who successfully waged a "Draft Clark" campaign to get him into the race have fanned out into their communities to build a grass-roots base.
The fruits of their labor were evident last night at Kells pub in Seattle's Pike Place Market, where about 100 people showed up for the first local organizing meeting of the Clark campaign. There they watched a C-SPAN videotape of Clark at a New Hampshire town-hall meeting, followed by a Webcast to his supporters around the country.
"We need a very, very strong candidate, especially someone with a military background," said campaign volunteer Deborah Jones. "Also, he's worked with the whole European contingent. Given the state of things right now, we definitely need that."
"I was on the flight deck when Bush landed," said one sailor, who did not want his name printed. "It was a slap in the face."
All of this sounded good to the attendees last night. Even Clark's Webcast got a rousing cheer when he vowed, "It's going to take a lot more than five Supreme Court justices to keep George Bush in the White House."