A SPECIAL investigator tracking billions of dollars spent by the United States on reconstruction in Iraq said overnight he has found millions of dollars worth of fraud by US officials and companies. Stuart Bowen, the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, said the US Justice Department was looking into fraud that he had uncovered. But giving details of his latest report, which is to be released on Saturday, Bowen told National Public Radio (NPR) that US-backed reconstruction projects in Iraq are speeding ahead. "The reconstruction for Iraq is peaking, 1000 projects are completed and 1000 more are ongoing," he said. The United States has allocated 23 billion dollars for new infratructure and Bowen's previous reports have already highlighted huge sums of missing money.
He said his latest report looks at four water projects and "the results are all over the map". Bowen also told how seven million dollars intended for the troubled Hilla region south of Baghdad had disappeared. The money came from the Development Fund for Iraq, money from oil sales that the US-run former Coalition Provisional Authority used for development projects. "There was no accountability, no records," Bowen said. "Unfortunately there were possible fraudulent activities occurring." Bowen said US officials and contractors were involved but would not identify them as the Justice Department is now leading an investigation into the fraud.
The so-called "rapid response construction dollars" were intended for projects that were hurriedly started in the months before the United States handed over sovereignty to an Iraqi government in June last year. "They were sent to Hilla to accomplish quick term projects like a police station in Kerbala or a library in Hilla. We found out that not only were the projects not completed but the money that was allocated for these projects was missing," Bowen said.
The special auditor, who reports to the US defence and state departments, said that when the contractors were asked "they didn't have much to say as the lack of records spoke volumes."
The United States has promised 23 billion dollars of the 60 billion dollars that the World Bank has said will be needed to build functioning infrastructure in Iraq.