trying to throw the media off the scent of Bolton blood from the harpoon Joe Biden sank into him!
Biden's BRILLIANTLY timed letter to Condi--two days before a long Congressional recess begins--has wounded Bolton as a UN nominee. If the media smell blood in the water, there'll be a feeding frenzy, at a time when Senate committees can't meet to give Bolton the trappings of respectability.
It well may be Bolton whom Judith Miller has gone to jail to protect! It's not Rove, because Rove released ALL reporters from keeping his name secret as a confidential source. Already, there have been MSM stories about a mysterious "third senior Administration official" (after Rove and Libby) who may have leaked Valerie "Wilson's" name to the press. Chances are, many WH press pass holders already suspect this third Bushevik is Bolton.
Bolton was THE top State political appointee having the most to do with PR about WMD policy, the narrow focus of Fitzgerald's investigation. A great timeline on the Plame affair just published, written by a former top NSC staffer, speculates that Bolton may have been the original source of the Plame leak for Judith Miller, who Arianna Huffington thinks was the key conduit for subsequent leaks to Novak, Rove, and Libby:
From :
"The Source Beyond Rove- Condoleezza Rice at the Center of the Plame Scandal by Roger Morris
Published on Thursday, July 28, 2005 by
...June 10, 2003: Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman asks the Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) for a briefing on the Niger uranium issue, and specifically the State Department's opposition to the continuing White House view that Iraq had tried to buy yellow cake. The resulting memo is dated the same day.... Befitting the sensitivity of the information, the memo is classified 'Top Secret," and contains in one paragraph, separately marked "(S/NF)" for "Secret/No dissemination to foreign governments or intelligence agencies," two sentences describing in passing Valerie "Wilson's" identity as a CIA operative and her role in the inception of the Wilson trip to Niger. This June 10 memo reportedly does not use her maiden name Plame....
There is also the intriguing relationship between John Bolton, the regimes stymied appointee to the UN, and Judith Miller, the New York Times correspondent sent to jail for contempt in refusing to divulge her sources on Plame even for a story she never wrote. Boltons close relationship to Miller, in which many suspect the right-wing lobbyist handed the reporter much of the fraudulent accounts of Iraqi weaponry that ended up on the front page of the Times, may well have encompassed as well the passing of information from the INR memo on Plame, which Bolton saw before Powell or even Rice....
And, of course, the larger issue beyond Plame is the Bush regimes Big Lie behind the invasion of Iraq, in which the phantom Nigerien yellowcake was an important malignant element. No government since World War II has more blatantly invented the pretext for waging a war of aggression....
Roger Morris was Senior Staff on the National Security Council under both Presidents Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon, until resigning over the invasion of Cambodia. An award winning author, he has written extensively about the Presidency and American foreign policy."
See also another active DU thread, at .