NATIONS, Oct 14 (Reuters) - France, Germany and Russia produced amendments on Tuesday to the Bush administration's resolution to get U.N. approval for its operations in Iraq but their criticisms were softer than expected.
And Secretary-General Kofi Annan, whose stand on Iraq is critical for many member states, said the U.S.-drafted resolution had made few significant changes. He said that as long as the occupation continues "the resistance will grow."
With President George W. Bush under pressure from the growing cost of the occupation in U.S. lives and money, Washington is pressing the United Nations to pass a resolution paving the way for other states to contribute forces and cash.
U.S. officials told the council to be ready to vote this week on the draft, which proposes a multinational force and a Dec. 15 date for the 25-member Iraqi Governing Council to devise a timetable toward self rule, a concession to critics.