Jack Straw is the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the U.K. Truly a man of vision, and someone worth listening to. Amongst other things he also say that the military presence in Iraq is fueling the insurgency and is part of the problem, not the solution.
Straw's history lesson aims to bring moderate Muslims on side
By James Blitz
Jack Straw has been talking to Muslim leaders at home and abroad about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot. This may a seem a trifle academic given the immediacy of the terror threat gripping London today.
But the foreign secretary likes to remind moderate Arab leaders that the British have endured a long history of religious-based terrorism which, on several occasions, came close to destabilising our own state.
Mr Straw says he talks to Islamic leaders about these issues - the Catholic plot to blow up parliament in 1605, the sometimes bloody struggle to give non-Anglicans civic rights in the 19th century - because it is important for Muslims to realise that religion-based terrorism is not a flaw unique to Islam.
In his view, moderate Islam needs to realise that it is not alone in facing this struggle. "Yes, suicide bombing is pretty much isolated to people who follow one religion today," he says. But in the foreign secretary's view, Muslim and Arab states must know this is a battle that has been faced by Britain, and many other societies, before.
http://news.ft.com/cms/s/039d4d28-02f2-11da-84e5-00000e2511c8.html">much much more