Governor's Rules to Protect Workers From Intense Heat
By Robert Sallday and Nancy Vogel, Times Staff Writers
SACRAMENTO -- Standing with the family of a farmworker killed by heatstroke in a Central Valley field, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced that his administration would issue emergency orders requiring rest breaks and shade for laborers in the piercing valley heat.
The regulations mark the first significant rules protecting California farmworkers, construction crews, roofers, landscapers and others from heat-related illness and death.
Supporters said the new rules were stronger than those in consistently hotter states such as Texas and Arizona, and marked the most significant breakthrough on an issue that has divided California's agricultural industry, the United Farm Workers union, Republican and Democratic lawmakers alike.
"This summer, four workers in our state have suffered extreme heat stress and died," Schwarzenegger said. "We need to do everything it takes to prevent this from happening again."
Schwarzenegger — whose wife is the niece of Robert Kennedy, an iconic figure for farmworkers for embracing their cause in the 1960s — announced the regulations at a press conference attended by the cousin and uncle of Constantino Cruz, a 24-year-old laborer....On July 21, Cruz collapsed in a tomato field near Shafter in 100-plus degree heat, after an end-of-the-day "speed-up" sorting tomatoes from the dirt and vines. Cruz seemed to recover, then slipped into a coma and stayed on life support for several days. He died Sunday....,0,7062850.story?coll=la-home-headlines