This is a long post...
I feel the same as desert rose does. The market has people in a thrall scrambling.People are so unaware of what's happening around them in the world it's scary.Too many people identify thier own interests with corrupted systems and'leaders' way too much. I really feel the "market" has become a very sick invention.It profits from human obedience,misery,deprivation,fear,war, insecurity,sickness,death,hate and dispair too much because it needs deprivation to function.It needs unequality because it is profit driven.Marketers know happy unabused people are harder for business to extract labor,demand obedience and foster addictions out of.So contentment and happiness are the first things to get undermined in the name of profit.The market needs humanity to be empty inside and not know why,agressive to compete,unfufilled to buy,disconnected from empowerment,wanting more,insecure about what they have so they are compulsive and arrogant,always looking for an outside authority to guide them,so they won't be accoutable,so they don't have to be guilty, and the market wants people kept ignorant of themselves looking for a fix/escape to buy to get them out of psychological duress and away from themselves. This is not a recipie for conditioning a healthy society psychologically.
I really think as a species we are committing planetary anthrocide and for the most part it kicks up realizations this is true from the unconsious,maybe that's one of the reasons that's why depression is so rampant in our society. Don't expect a study to prove this because it would undermine the companies agendas who fund studies.We have been warned by the best and brightest of the dangers of this civilization for years, there have been calls to stop this all consuming 'progress', to find alternate fuels,curb product consuption,treat the poor and vunerable people better,and become consious.. yet we don't listen to the world's suffering and ignore signs of envioronmental breakdown/We shut down our empathy, close our ears, we don't share,we hoard,hide and 'grow' our profits instead.The "market" is leading the way to the end,and our leaders would rather destroy the world in M.A.D.nuclear tempertantrum than give up this insidious control of our hearts,children,labor,wealth,bodies,beliefs and minds. I don't belong here because so many people seem to be on a different wavelength than me. And when you bring up issues of profit and it's link to destruction,pollution,mental illness povery injustice in public people hate you for it,they brand you a kook, and will not listen to it.It's like they know the situation that civilization as we do it now has caused is dire,it's nuts, it's making us sick, killing the Planet they still defend the corrupted system that abuses the planet like a battered wife defending the bastard that punches her in the face when he's drunk or a hostage with stockholm syndrome telling everyone how his captor was a good guy.It's a social psychological problem that has been exploited by hierarchical unequal civilizations since the dawn of time,That stockholm syndrome like problem in our civilization is the elephant in the livingroom of every human brain.
It's like human civilization has become cancerous to the world,to the human spirit,the Earth and her creatures. Yet we do what the boss and market demands even if it kills us.We condition our kids to live as we do no matter how unhappy we are with how we live now and can see the annilation this way of life leads us. The market has made an unbalanced social situation hideously self-destructive greedy and vicious.
When will more people seek to undermine the marketplace morality that corrupts and destroys the good parts of human hearts,? when will more people make the changes of heart to say No and resist when money dominates our lives and profit is permitted to determine our ethical values for us and direct the collective values of our culture ? The market isn't alive, it can't feel pain,or cry or love..The stocks don't care about encoraging limits on greed or fostering sharing amongst freinds or communities. It's all about growth profit and taking away from others. Sharing what we have with each other without scamming for selfish gain will stop the greed machine destroying us all. Here's an example of how powerful simple sharing is..
P2P networks became a threat to the 'music' industry because it was based in people sharing what they bought before with each other, it was not for profit.It was ok when these networks were small time.But when the idea caught on that sharing could be a viable alternative to profit,the shit hit the fan.The music industry has made ill gotten gains at the expense of artists before but people have forgotten that.Look at the history of black musicians in the 50's and see how they got shafted by record companies,it's appalling.CD stores still sell concert bootlegs and rip offs ,some have even been busted for it(See yodelin'pig) and they have the audacity to bitch about P2P networks eating up thier profits as if sharing with others is evil incarnate. They arrest 12 year olds to stop people from sharing what they already paid for with each other...What's wrong with this picture? People haven't realized that profit in of itself is the true theft. The market morality has no social consience.Sharing reinforces social consience.Greedy people hate to share.
In our society wealth comes with no strong social expectation of sharing or giving back to communities when people get wealth and 'sucess'. This is a HUGE flaw in our thinking and we don't see it.The fool republicans who still postulate this 'trickle down' voodoo fantasy theory of economics and goodwill greed haven't gotten honest enough with themselves and thier own greediness to figure out thier penchant for selfishness ,domination,unbridled competition,privatization,ambition and greed doesen't know when to stop taking on it's own,it knows no moderation until it's all gone.Sharing on the other hand makes sure everyone has some because it's not based in depriving people or scamming for profit.
Societies are ALWAYS made up of individuals and each person in a society can color the way societies behave by excercising thier consiences and determining how much they are willing to risk to stand by thier consience. Each of us ARE responsible for what this society and it's government does and does not do because we could stop them if we really wanted to and really decided to risk it..The "chain of command" ends and begins with your own consience and your own inner ethical sense it always has,always will. People hate hearing this.
I feel I don't belong here because my character is different than most of societies seems to be.Survival isn't my highest law.