....according to the South Carolina State Election Commission's
Vote Recorder (punch cards)The voter receives a card with approximately 200 squares containing a perforated area, or punch, within each square. This card is inserted into a prepared vote recorder which contains printed pages of offices and issues to be voted. The offices and issues are automatically aligned with the squares on the punch card. The voter uses a punch device to punch through the square on the card beside the candidate or issue of his/her choice.
The counties that use Vote Recorder/ Punch Card:Aiken, Greenville, Sumter,
Anderson, Kershaw, York,
Cherokee, Lexington,
Florence, Oconee
Optical Scan (Excluding Orangeburg)The voter receives an 8" x 14" paper ballot. The voter shades in a block beside the name of the party, candidate or issue in which he/she wishes to vote using a marking pen or pencil.
The counties that use Optical Scan:Abbeville, Clarendon, Orangeburg,
Beaufort, Laurens, Saluda,
Calhoun, Lee Union,
Chesterfield, McCormick, Williamsburg,
(see below)
Optical Scan (Orangeburg County Only)The voter receives a ballot containing offices and issues to be voted. Located next to the name of the candidate is the head and tail of an arrow pointing to the name of a candidate, or "yes" or "no" in the case of referenda questions. To make a selection, the voter uses a marker or pencil to connect the head and tail of the arrow.
ElectronicThe voter makes his/her selections by pressing a button beside a party, candidate or issue displayed on the direct recording electronic (DRE) voting machine. After all selections have been made, the voter presses a VOTE button to cast his/her ballot.
The counties that use Electronic:Allendale, Colleton, Georgetown, Marion,
Bamberg, Darlington, Greenwood, Marlboro,
Barnwell, Dillon, Hampton, Newberry,
Berkeley, Dorchester, Horry Pickens,
Charleston, Edgefield, Jasper, Richland,
Chester, Fairfield, Lancaster, Spartanburg