Bioterrorism Response Hampered by Problem of Profit
By Marc Kaufman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, August 7, 2005; Page A05
In 2000, the Pentagon's Defense Science Board concluded that to successfully respond to a bioterrorist attack, the United States would need 57 specific drugs, diagnostic tools and vaccines. At the time, only one was available.
Five years later, officials say that number has increased to two.
Despite the promises of the drug industry after the 2001 anthrax attacks, and last year's passage of the $5.6 billion Project BioShield bill designed to speed development of new products, officials say the nation is scarcely any better protected than it was in 2000.
Now, in a renewed effort to encourage the drug industry to develop and produce the needed countermeasures, senators are aggressively promoting legislation that would grant companies unprecedented enticements to work on meeting the bioterrorism defense needs on the classified list. I thought Capitalism solved all problems?
Do you mean some problems need Government involved because there isn't enough of a financial incentive to get for-profit companies to do things society needs to have done? Whaaaaaaat! :wow: