San Jose, nonprofit advocacy group foot bills for transportation-spending photo opCarla Marinucci, Chronicle Political Writer
Sunday, August 7, 2005
It was intended as a picturesque public relations triumph: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger backed by a blaring soundtrack of "Takin' It to the Streets," striding alongside an army of neon-clad street workers to tackle a "critical'' transportation problem -- a San Jose pothole.
Critics say the pothole event raises questions about whether ethical boundaries were crossed by the governor, who has been promoting ballot issues for a Nov. 8 special election he called.
The governor's legal affairs office recently rejected The Chronicle's public records request for documents on the costs, communications and details associated with planning and carrying out the San Jose event, saying "we do not maintain those records in the ordinary course of business.'' But his spokesperson insisted that state taxpayers didn't spend a dime for the event.
"For a guy who came into office saying he would have the most open administration in history, they sure are hiding the ball an awful lot,'' said Democratic strategist Roger Salazar. "These guys are playing three-card monte with their funds, and with information that the public really wants to know. They move money from one group to another, and they refuse to provide information on his time and activities until they're absolutely required to do so.''
Deflected questions, refusal of public documents, recall the Turdinator.