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WP: Educating Against Extremism: U.S. Muslims Reach Out to Youths

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DeepModem Mom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 09:27 AM
Original message
WP: Educating Against Extremism: U.S. Muslims Reach Out to Youths
Educating Against Extremism
Muslims Reach Out to Youths Who Could Be Susceptible to Radicalism

By Mary Beth Sheridan
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, August 8, 2005; Page B01

Alarmed by the London subway bombings, U.S. Muslim activists are taking a series of steps aimed at preventing young people here from embracing extremist ideas -- including producing a pamphlet on how to spot susceptible youth.

The projects, which involve many Muslims in the Washington area, are in the planning stages. But they reflect the soul-searching in mosques and in Muslim groups since the July 7 attacks, which left 56 people dead, including the four British suicide bombers.

"This is really the battle of the future. The ideological war should be won with the young," said Maher Hathout, a leader of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, a Los Angeles-based group involved in the new efforts.

U.S. Muslim groups have roundly condemned the British subway attack and a subsequent failed bombing attempt. They said they have no evidence of a similar threat in this country. Muslims here are generally more educated and better off economically than those in Europe, and in many cases they are more assimilated.

But the fact that several of the terror suspects in the London incidents were British-born -- including the 18-year-old son of moderate Pakistani immigrants -- has raised concern about the Muslims growing up here....
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Ian David Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 09:41 AM
Response to Original message
1. Utter Bullshit! Are they denouncing bigotry against Gays, Jews and Women?
The Islamic Society of North America are...
Lying sacks of crap. Lying sacks of crap.

And THIS causes me GREAT concern...

"...including producing a pamphlet on how to spot susceptible youth."

Oh, yeah.

Great idea.

They are so full of shit.

Bray's group started working last week with psychologists to design a pamphlet on how to identify young people who could be susceptible to violent extremism. It will be distributed to Muslim parents, mosque leaders and others, he said.


One major group, the Islamic Society of North America, is planning a special session on fighting terrorism and extremism at its annual convention in Chicago next month. The issue is also a central theme at a parallel youth conference, expected to draw thousands of people.

The ISNA has well-documented ties with terrorist organizations, and their allied with the Christian Taliban anti-gay groups.

Alliance For Marriage includes Islamic group with possible terrorist ties ...

Queer allies
The little-noticed alliance between gay marriage opponents and alleged terrorist sympathizers

These groups are completely full of crap. They ARE the extremists!

And they're just making it worse here for their own people by perpetuating the stereotypes that some people hold against them.

Someone please tell the Muslim leadership that by spewing their vitriol it isn't making it any easier for the good, normal Muslim folk that live here.

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ck4829 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 09:50 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Thank you
You must be one of the few people who caught the links between Terrorists and the FMA.

This Muslim agrees with you 100%. If we want to battle Islamic Extremism, then we must teach Muslims to live in peace with GLBT people, Jews, people of other religions, and we must allow Muslim women to have as much freedom as men.
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Ian David Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 10:38 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Those groups either have a twisted deffinition of "extremism"...
Edited on Mon Aug-08-05 10:43 AM by IanDB1
or else they're flat-out lying.

It's like when the freepers say, "We're not bigoted. It's just that the lefties call us bigoted because we object to the homosexual agenda."

Muslim people in America need to form their OWN organizations that REJECT and RENOUNCE groups like ISNA and say, "Those groups are extremists and they don't represent us."

There are, thankfully, at least Two or Three Islamic groups that seem to grasp this idea!

American Muslims Call For Acceptance Of Gays
by Rachel Zoll
Posted: October 10, 2004 12:01 am ET

(New York City) The Sept. 11 terrorist attacks emboldened many outside the Muslim community to demand Islamic leaders re-examine religious teachings on matters from war to women's rights.


On Nov. 15, as the holy month of Ramadan is expected to end, a group of mostly young Muslims plans to launch the Progressive Muslim Union of North America in New York.


February 02, 2005
Canadian Muslim Group Endorses Same-Sex Marriage Legislation
By Nargis Tapal

OTTAWA - The Muslim Canadian Congress, a Toronto-based grassroots organization, has welcomed the legislation presented by Justice Minister Irvin Cotler that re-defines marriage to include same-sex partners, and has urged Muslims and other minority groups to stand in solidarity with gays and lesbians.


Imam Daayiee Abdullah, who is based in Washington, D.C., and one of three Islamic clergymen worldwide known to be openly gay, ...

We need more groups like these!

And that whole, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" strategy isn't working for them, either.

The Xian-right HATES them even though they're "on the same page" when it comes to their common bigotries.

Check-out what some of their Xian "allies" in the War Against Gays are saying about their Muslim "allies":

Date: Tue, 17 May 2005
From: Rev Lou Sheldon <>
Subject: MA Dad Becomes Icon for Pro-Family Protest Against Homosexual Agenda in School
Stop Apologizing to Islam!

We Americans need to get our priorities straight. We are at war with Islam. I want President Bush, Secretary Rice, the media, and the bleeding-heart liberals to stop apologizing to Islam and I want it to stop right now. Islamics are slaughtering people all over the world. Islam has threatened to make our streets “run red with American blood.” A Saudi Islamic cleric gave bin Laden permission to detonate a nuke in a major American city. Enough already!

Vatican Warns Catholics Against Marrying Muslims
Fri May 14, 2004 12:43 PM ET

James Dobson and pals warn that gay marriage will turn America Muslim
During the FamilyNet "Battle for Marriage" national telecast on July 11, viewers were told, "If the battle for marriage is lost, your grandchildren will grow up hearing the call to prayer from minarets."

Christians to "confront" mosque in Denver. "Battle of the ages"
Contact: Pat McEwen, media liaison for Operation Save America,
DENVER, July 15 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Operation Rescue / Operation Save America will bring the Gospel of Christ to the largest Mosque in Colorado. We are compelled to bring this message to those lost in the murderous bondage of Islam because of the worldwide persecution and murder of Christians. The recent resurgence of terrorist activities in London is nothing less than the lie of

44 Percent In U.S. Poll Say Restrict Muslims
Topic started by Placebo on Dec-17-04 08:27 PM (118 replies)
Last modified by darboy on Dec-21-04 11:31 AM

Hijacking Tolerance: Radical Islam’s War with Christianity
By Dale Hurd
CBN News Sr. Reporter


On The Difficulties With Islam

So, it looks like having enemies in common isn't making the Xian far-right any more accepting of Islam, now is it?

See also:

Local Insurgents: ‘Islamic Thinkers’ Menace Gay N.Y.

Report Links Brooklyn Mosque to Saudi Hate Material

uslim charity Holy Land Foundation indicted,0,2653952.story?coll=ny-ap-regional-wire

Mass. religious leaders issue statement supporting marriage

Radical Islam: Outspoken cleric, jailed activist tied to new Hub mosque
Boston Herald ^ | October 28, 2003

Leaders and Members of Over 3000 Churches, Mosques, and
Synagogues Issue Joint Statement in Support of Constitutional Amendment

Boston Mosque Leadership Has Questionable Ties

Boston Mosque: the Rise of Radical Islam?

Like a good Margarita, articles from WND should always be rimmed with grains of
Unholy alliance: Jihadists, Nazis
Officials see growing terror ties between radical Islam, skinheads
Posted: August 5, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Joseph Farah and Yoram East
© 2005

Conservative Christians and Muslims United against gays,...

Mass. religious leaders issue (anti-gay) statement "supporting" marriage

Leaders and members of more than 3000 churches, mosques, and synagogues issue
joint statement in support of (anti-gay) constitutional amendment initiative

Moslem Clerics Charged In Gay Beatings
Topic started by IanDB1 on May-14-05 10:01 AM (5 replies)
Last modified by LondonAmerican on May-16-05 09:52 AM

Group wants to amend Florida Constitution to ban gay marriage
Topic started by flvegan on Feb-12-05 09:07 AM (20 replies)
Last modified by IanDB1 on Feb-14-05 02:27 PM

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