outlining U.S. plans for Latin America:
(snip) In fact, the principal mechanism used by the U.S. to guarantee its economic and geopolitical hegemony worldwide is military force—which represents a tremendous threat to all of humanity. In Latin America, some examples of this structure are:
• The installation of military bases in Manta (Ecuador), Três Esquinas and Letícia (Colombia), Iquitos (Peru), Rainha Beatrix (Aruba) and Hato (Curacao). These new bases complement the U.S. encirclement of the region, which already included bases in Puerto Rico (Vieques), Cuba (Guantanamo) and Honduras (Soto de Cano). The U.S. is also planning to build bases in El Salvador and in Argentina, and to gain control of the Alcântara base in Brazil.
• The training of Latin American militaries, as in the case of Operation Cabañas in Argentina, with the participation of 1,500 officers from the U.S., Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. According to government documents from Argentina, the objective of this training is to create a “unified military command” to combat “terrorism in Colombia, in a battlefield littered with civilians, non-governmental organizations and potential aggressors.” This command would act in the triple border region between Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. The authorization for the entry of U.S. troops into Latin American countries includes guarantees of diplomatic immunity.
• The U.S. is continuing to train Latin Americans at the School of the Americas, and will set up the Law Enforcement Academy for the Americas in Costa Rica, which has the goal of influencing legislation in the countries of the region, to benefit U.S. political, economic and military interests.
• The installation of mechanisms like SIVAN (System of Surveillance of the Amazon), a $1.4 billion project with surveillance capabilities over 5.5 million square kilometers. Plans for SIVAN include the purchase of military aircraft, like the A-29 Toucan. The Pentagon wants to build a huge radar facility in Argentina, as part of an international surveillance system.
• The strengthening of the U.S. defense industry. For example, the Manta base, with the ability to control airspace over a 400 km radius, will be the responsibility of DynCorp, accused of having close ties to the CIA. The Manta base will be equipped with E-3 AWACs and F-16 and F-15 Eagle fighters to patrol the Amazon region, the Panama Canal Zone, and Central America. Other defense contractors, like Raytheon and Northrop, have projected a 50% increase in earnings this year.
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