– Since Rep. Peter Sullivan is a Democrat, it is impossible for him to not to have heard the original remarks made by then presidential candidate Howard Dean. Perhaps his democrat ears could not comprehend them. As an African-American, I understand exactly what Gov. Dean was trying to say.
In November of 2003, presidential candidate Howard Dean said, “I still want to be the candidate for guys with Con federate flags in their pickup trucks.” My recent activities in Laconia bear out the fact that this type of thought does not belong in New Hampshire. No democrat, republican or independent can say otherwise nor defend what he has said. This is the message NH GOP Chair Henderson was conveying.
Gee, Rogers, was it something I said?
Rogers Johnson is an African-American right winger and a former member of the leadership team of disgraced former House Speaker Gene Chandler. I guess his race is supposed to give him street cred on this issue, but I prefer to look at his extreme voting record and his poor choice of political cronies as a better indication of his core values.