<SNIP>''I've never seen this kind of anger," said Senator Patricia Vance, a Republican who received critical e-mails even though she voted against the bill and declined to collect her raise. ''I've a lot of names."
Newspapers across Pennsylvania continue to publish angry editorials and letters from readers. A radio talk-show host is circulating a petition calling for the repeal of the raises, which also apply to judges and certain top executive-branch officials, and is organizing a protest for when lawmakers reconvene in late September.</SNIP><SNIP>The pressure is having some effect: As of Tuesday, nine lawmakers had declared changes of heart and said they would not accept the increase this term. But nearly 150 of the 252 sitting lawmakers are sticking to their decision to immediately take the raise of at least $950 a month.
Governor Ed Rendell, a Democrat who signed the bill into law, said he has received nearly 1,000 letters, e-mails, and phone calls criticizing the decision. After having previously said only that the special payments were legal, he said Tuesday that legislators who turned them down ''did the right thing."</SNIP>To be honest I could really care less about legislators voting themselves a pay raise in Pennsylvania. They voted Rethug, they get Rethug. What gets me about this is the writing of the story itself. The Pennsylvania legislature is overwhelmingly controlled by Rethugs. Yet there is no mention of that. To make matter worse they quote a Rethug who was against it and a Dem (Rendell) who by signing the law could be said to be for it. A cursory glance at the numbers leads me to believe that about all the Thugs (sans one) and about 10-12 Dems voted for this thing. Yet, they make it look as if it's the Democrats who pushed this through. This article is one of the most blatant attempts at misinformation and obfuscation I have ever seen. Oh that liberal media. :eyes: