“Let’s Globalize the Struggle! Let’s Globalize Hope!” is the slogan of the first International Encounter of Resistance and Solidarity of Indigenous and Peasant Peoples held in Caracas from October 11 to 14. Over a thousand representatives from over 20 countries of both North and South America and the Caribbean attended the four-day event of speeches and workshops.
President Hugo Chavez inaugurated the event saying, “today we will not give honors to Columbus, today we give honors to our indigenous peoples who heroically resisted being trampled upon. As Latin Americans we do not need to give honor nor tribute to Christopher Columbus. Christopher Columbus was the spear head of the invasion and the greatest genocide in recorded history of the people.”
Among the groups in attendance at the encounter were: Vía Campesina from Honduras; the Landless Movement (Movimiento Los Sin Tierras) from Brazil; the confederation of Indigenous Nationalities from Ecuador (Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas de Ecuador); the National Indigenous and Peasant Coordination from Guatemala (Coordinadora Nacional Indígena y Campesina); the Movement towards Socialism from Bolivia (Movimiento Al Socialismo); plus numerous Venezuelan organizations, such as the National Indian Council (Consejo Nacional Indio); the National Agrarian Coordination Ezequiel Zamora (Coordinadora Agraria Nacional Ezequiel Zamora) and the Bolivarian Forum of the Americas (Foro Bolivariano de las Américas).
The purpose of the meeting was to celebrate the unity of indigenous peoples and of peasants and to support the Venezuelan process and the agrarian transformation in the country.