Happy 70th Birthday, Social Security
On Weekend of Celebrating FDR's Signature, Debate Over Program's Future Shifts
By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, August 14, 2005; Page A05
Seventy years ago today, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the law that created the Social Security system, but this year's great debate over the program's future has all but left behind President Bush's goal of maintaining the system's solvency through the baby boom's retirement.
Instead, the battle lines have shifted to a House Republican plan to establish private investment accounts out of Social Security's cash surplus, a plan that even its advocates say would do nothing to improve the program's financial outlook.
Opponents of private accounts will be out in force today, with 131 events celebrating Social Security's anniversary, including birthday balloons on the Mall and the distribution of 50,000 "birthday cards" laying out opposition to the latest version of a Social Security restructuring. On Friday, James Roosevelt kicked off events at a rally in front of his grandfather's memorial.
Bush administration officials are also fanning out this weekend to make the case that the nation can best honor the program by accepting the president's prescriptions for its future.
But Republican lawmakers -- and even pro-Bush lobbyists -- concede there is very little momentum left for the steps needed to secure the system's fiscal health....