Lindbergh jet curfew violations taking off
Late departures up sharply from 2004
By Jeff Ristine
August 14, 2005
A midyear tally of curfew violations by the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority shows more violations – 34 incidents from January through July – than in all of 2004. If the pace continues, the year would end with the second-highest number of violations since the current restrictions were adopted in 1989. The curfew, which applies only to departures, runs from 11:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. for most aircraft. It's part of an agreement between the airport and state government to reduce the impact of aircraft noise on residential areas.
Violations cost the operators a $1,000 fine unless excused by a review panel composed of three airport authority employees. Repeat offenses during any given three-month business quarter draw higher fines, with a $3,000 hit for a second violation and $5,000 for a third strike.
There's no single factor to explain the increase, but one of the important ones is considered by some a plus for the airport and the struggling airline industry: bigger passenger loads. The recovery from the post-9/11 travel slump means airlines are taking off with a smaller percentage of empty seats.
"That's good news," said Ted Sexton, vice president of operations for the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority. "That also causes everything to slow down a little bit. Their baggage and their processing takes longer with a full plane than it does with a nearly empty one."
Jeff Ristine: (619) 542-4580;
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