People are just prey to true conservatives. Social Security is a true representation of pluralism: it accommodates the reality of humanity. Many people don't plan for the future, and many who do get screwed and wind up in trouble. Social Security provides a safety net that benefits us all, because individual failure hurts everyone.
There are many rich people who understand and care: they got to be rich by understanding the human condition, or stayed rich because they did. Sadly, there are also the assholes, both of inherited and earned wealth. They see the need for others to fail as a part of their success. Not only mean, they're wrong: wealth can only be accumulated and sustained in a stable society, and to mandate the failure of many is to bring forth massive instability.
This little boy (Junior, the most powerful nobody since Louis the Sixteenth) has many grudges, but among them is a desire to get approval from the truly evil reactionaries who propelled him to power. This will be had from destroying all social programs, all regulations and laws constraining corporations and the frightening legacy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Social Security also ties up monies that could be plundered by rapacious greedheads in the investment world, so this is being pursued even when Junior is beset by many other problems.
It's nothing less than looting: loot the past by not sustaining the infrastructure by "starving the beast" with reduced revenue, and loot the future by saddling our children with horrendous debt. The monies are to be selfishly guarded and sent into the vortex of Wall Street. Since fraud is the ultimate sport there--in absence of regulation--little people are merely the krill of the rich.
Meanwhile, the stable society brought about by reasonable wages and regulation of investments is plundered by the short-term greedheads, and as the greedy amass, so many will fail that it will wreak havoc.
Class warfare? Why do THEY keep fighting it? They do because they think it benefits them; it does if they don't create so many desperate people that the whole thing collapses, but that's just not the way of the truly greedy.