other people in the news have talked about this today...you gotta love it when Bush opens his mouth...boy does the Bullshit flow...http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/afp/20050815/pl_afp/iraqconstitutionus_050815232658Bush hails 'heroic efforts' to forge Iraqi constitution
1 hour, 34 minutes ago
President George W. Bush hailed the "heroic efforts" of Iraqi negotiators to hammer out a constitution despite delays as US officials expressed confidence Iraq's political process was still on schedule.
"I applaud the heroic efforts of Iraqi negotiators and appreciate their work to resolve remaining issues through continued negotiation and dialogue," Bush said in a statement released at his Texas ranch.
"Iraqi leaders have announced that they have made substantial progress toward a draft constitution," Bush said as endorsed the move to continue the discussions in search of an "enduring consensus."
"Their efforts are a tribute to democracy and an example that difficult problems can be solved peacefully through debate, negotiation, and compromise," the president said.
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