won't eat beef anymore.
The good news... prion diseases are transmittable through blood transfusions (Yay!).
The better news... we have no screening tests for vCJD in the blood. HIV and Hep B are covered. Hep C can still get ya.
The best news... no sentinel population. In the early 80's, all the hemophiliac boys had to have routine transfusions to replace their factor VIII. Now they have recombinant VIII (safe) so they won't be receiving these. This translates into a long lag time to gather data from the general population when folks start cropping up with vCJD until we can give positive correlation.
In 2004 a new report published in the Lancet medical journal showed that vCJD can be transmitted by blood transfusions (Peden, 2004). The finding alarmed healthcare officials because a large epidemic of the disease might arise in the near future. There is no test to determine if a blood donor is infected and is in the latent phase of vCJD. In reaction to this report, the British government banned anyone who had received a blood transfusion since January 1980, from donating blood in the future.