NOT good, as this is exactly what many on the Left were worried about---indiscrimate use of this law for other purposess.,2933,165799,00.html'Sneak-and-Peak' Law Helps More Than War on Terror
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
SEATTLE — Hidden cameras and microphones placed by federal agents in a house in Lynden, Wash., paid off recently when officials uncovered a plot to dig a drug tunnel from Canada to the United States.
But because federal officials used a provision in the U.S. Patriot Act (search) to bug their suspects for weeks, some groups are calling the search warrants an abuse of power.
"We want them to be able to accomplish their objective. We don't want law enforcement officials to be able to run roughshod, investigating for whatever they want with whatever rules they set," said David Keene, chairman of the American Conservative Union.
Delayed notification, or so-called "sneak-and-peak" (search) warrants, have been around since 1973 and require prosecutors to go to a federal judge to get permission to search. But until the Patriot Act, federal officials needed to show probable cause and tell the suspects they're under surveillance within seven days........