Edited on Sat Aug-20-05 11:57 AM by MADem
That is some seriously lazy headline writing. If you don't read the whole article, you are left with the idea that Iraqi masterminds are at it, no doubt, full bore! I invite everyone's attention to this paragraph:
Within hours of the attack, the Jordanian army started an intensive search for four men, two Egyptians and two Iraqis who recently rented a workshop from which the rockets were fired, Jordanian television reported Friday afternoon. A fifth suspect, thought to be a Syrian who guarded the shop, was also said to be sought.
Of course, here we have FIVE guys, two Egyptians, a Syrian, and two guys who may have been Iraqis (how do we really know--it is a common enough accent, easy to put on, and hey, how hard is it to get an Iraqi passport, nowadays, really???? Everything is for sale in that country!!!). But the headline implies that the Iraqis are the ringleaders, the big cheeses...
Ahhh, but wait, there is more:
Katyusha rockets are crude rockets prone to poor accuracy, but they are capable of significant damage. They are a hallmark of insurgent groups in Iraq, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories. Although militants have been caught with weapons seeking to cross into the West Bank over the years, there has not been such an attack on Jordanian soil in recent memory.
Who has been all over Lebanon like a cheap suit? The Iranians! The Syrians too! Why not bag them in this? And of course, the Saudis are also major funders of the Palestinians, so why not accuse the Wahabbists over the border with misdeeds? Or, could this possibly be the work of EGYPTIANS, pissed off at Mubarak, demanding an Arab platform from which to articulate their demands, calling for greater democracy/Islamist governance ahead of elections, a warning to back away from all that defense cash coming from the US, and in the face of government crackdowns, in that country? Why, maybe it could!!!
A group calling itself the Brigades of the Martyr Abdullah Azzam claimed responsibility for the rocket attacks in an Internet posting, saying the United States had "corrupted the Earth" and that the Jordanian "devil" had to stop jailing Muslim scholars, according to the SITE Institute, a group based in Washington that tracks terrorist messages on the Internet.
However, the authenticity of the claim could not be confirmed. A group by the same name took credit for the bombings in Sharm el-Sheik in Egypt last month that left 68 people dead.
There are so many ways you can look at this event, it isn't even funny (nothing over there has been funny for eons). It could be a warning to King Abdullah, step aside from those Americans...it could be a big, poorly aimed F You to Israel. It could be the Egyptians, rented out to pan-Arabists who are trying to demonstrate how unhealthy it is for King Abdullah to cozy up to the US. It could be the Syrians, screwing with us in quiet fashion. It could be the Iranians, leaving no fingerprints, as usual. It could be anyone...
But hey, the agenda in America is Iraq, so that is how we will paint it without any further knowledge--judged, juried, and executed!