Of course it must delight Dem "leaders" to gain the notice of WAPO in this demeaning way. In this one, the general situation is so obvious they don't need their DLC deepthroat(codename "impotence").
Kerry in fact DID steer the war support away from the dismal, exploitive Bush failure without touching upon the crime the Dems sort of sanctioned, sort of complained about, sort of rallied behind the president and troops and the general ME policy, sort of rolled over and played dead. Is it because the leaders might have to belatedly apologize or retract their Iraq war resolution emboldened by the growing realization of the public(without benefit of media or government or opposition party). is it because the party leadership is finely attuned to the information and judgment of the MSM and the hollowed out cracking shell of past American policy. Are they still spooked by "lessons from the past" and wise DLC memes, and that oasis of parity the swinging gate fringe voter? Are they just paralyzed by all of the above and more?
Is it just that to admit anything would be to cast doubt(which apparently they already have) on their own legitimacy to lead when they can't make an incontrovertible(unspinnable) stand on the law, their own political survival, our PHYSICAL survival, America as America? Why is it so easy to become a model that is universally despised and not take a stand or a chance on what is right even when the majority(apparently not clustered properly in electoral geography) is groping far far ahead on the most obvious track of the truth?
If they wanted to, they could find the words. If there was wrong doing or plain incompetence, it could be fairly and unequivocally pointed out. If they didn't want a split they could simply lead. The left or progressives or anti-war movement or the MAJORITY are still willing to give the centrist logs a chance, which is more than could ever be honestly said for the Bush enabling collaborators whose great stands on various issues have been flushed down the toilet in their failed strategy, their abdicated leadership, their lost or stolen political offices.
They say "mcGovern" as if McGovern were Nixon. They say the center as if it were a bunch of rednecked rubes who happen to live in the burbs. They let themselves be steered away form the people, their activist constituents, let themselves dip into the second best political money pool of corporate interests, some of whom are fervently pleased by the decimation of the people's party.
The war was a lie. The people's support was a lie. What support there was was based nearly 100% on lies, certainly not the sage pragmatism of irrelevant lawmakers. The news was and is a lie. The fact that people don't volunteer or donate was a lie or a weak surrender. The fear of alienating the apathetic fringe I would like to think is a dishonest mask for the safety of impotence, that is - a lie. The alternative would be much worse. The fact that you have to cater to a people blinded and dulled to support that very blindness and apathy is a ludicrous lie.
It is all exposed in case the pols haven't noticed. If they can't find the right words it is because they don't want to and have entered the fantasy rooms of No Pols Land where even the shrinking audiences of miserable, anti-Democratic TV pundits will fail to offer consolation to now confident Dems who can easily be shoved aside- were it not for those of us who spotted the truth like an orphan wandering in a desert and brought it home out of exile.
Kerry, for example, stuck his neck out for the lies and gave Bush a chance. Then when the inevitable and already started war went against UN wishes he did speak out, but without sticking his neck out. In fact, people only stuck their necks out of the ground for real chances when it came to bashing what they believed was something even more impotent than centrist politics- that is progressive populism. Then again no one would dream of accusing the left of downing helicopters or election fraud. at least we are not to be feared. At least we could be rallied for the salvation of the real America and the liberal agenda. As such we could not only be ignored but dismissed, sneered at and attacked as well, not by Kerry as much as the people egging him toward the black hole of the "center", removing any power to escape its empty pull.
The frame. The frame. WE know it. Sometimes the pols say they do, but they don't really. And they certainly are impotent to compete or defeat it as a party. it is not something that is best done by imitation or playing catch up or whining about lost media and money advantages. WAPO says the Democrats are split over the war. Split? All Americans, the vast majority of Democrats, are now turned against the war and slowly gathering the suppressed reasons around that fact. Most honest Republican's are or would be against the war were not the majority will and wisdom constantly repressed. THAT is obvious whether the polls are catching up on the natural trajectories of truth or continuing to weight presumptions themselves in favor of the god king emperor.
The split is in the microscopic world of pols and strategists, many of whom a fiercer and less spiritually kind activist resurgence would have immediately purged after the pathetic rollover to fraud and lies the past years(decades?)
This is what you get when the losing manager who should have been sacked, his fault or not, looks around, sees himself still there, and says to himself, "I must be right, someone else is wrong. I will therefore stay the curse, I mean course." And then prove himself even worse and more defensive than ever, but with a gnawing doubt buried within.
There is no split except in the particular mind of war vote enablers and mythic centrists. If people are of two minds it because of the murk of lies- and you can't split murk without light.That split is in large part created by the whispers echoed back from the likes of WAPO, decrepit, spiteful, inert Theoden's able and treasonous Wormtongue, the likes of certain DLC theorists and any GOP parrots who bother to kick sand in their faces. It is otherwise a lie and can be wholly so if the "leadership" would divorce itself from the whole "divide and conquer" game. It would NOT take such framing commentary lying down but united forcefully behind the mothers, the victims, the soldiers. Something beside whining about the obvious lack of political clout to get the troops proper supplies or benefits in a war they should never have sanctioned or supported or left un-investigated.