Indeed . . . there's something "not right" about George Walker Bush and education:
1.) "So for the students here, take heart in this concept. He gets a Ph.D. I get Cs. I'm the President and he's the advisor." - George W. Bush makes note of the education gap between himself and a professor/advisor to the administration.
2.) "You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test." - George W. Bush
3.) "There is no second-rate children in Arizona. There's no second-rate children in America." - George W. Bush
4.) "Education belongs to everybody. High standards belongs to everybody." - George W. Bush
5.) "Bush has created more harm to this country's standing and security than any president in history. What a shame the world has to suffer the consequences of Dubya not getting enough approval from Dad." -- cartoonist Gary Trudeau in an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine; Trudeau "attended Yale University with Bush in the late 1960s and served with him on a dormitory social committee," as
reported by AP, July 15, 2004
6.) "To those of you who received honors, awards, and distinctions, I say, well done. And to the C students, I say you too can be president of the United States." — George W. Bush, Yale University
commencement address, 33 years after his own graduation from his Yale alma mater, May 2001.
7.) "If you're like me you won't remember everything you did here."
— GWBush, addressing the graduates of Yale University, his alma mater, New Haven, CT, May 21, 2001
Legacy Affirmative Action at Ivy League Schools, e.g., Yale University & Harvard Business School