The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Richard Lugar of Indiana, and its newest member, Barack Obama of Illinois, began a weeklong tour of former Cold War weapons sites Friday to inspect the progress of dismantlement and highlight what they fear is a growing global threat from stolen nuclear material.
Obama, making his first foreign trip as a senator, said until the weapons were destroyed or properly safeguarded, the U.S and other nations were vulnerable to a nuclear attack. Neither the government nor the public, he said, views the threat with sufficient urgency.
"People can sort of put it off, and it's not confronting you day-to-day in an immediate sort of way," Obama said. "The consequence of inaction can be enormous, but I think it's one of those issues where until it's too late, you don't see a problem."
Obama, a Democrat, and Lugar, a Republican, also will travel to Ukraine and Azerbaijan. And they will meet with British Prime Minister Tony Blair next week in London.