Roman Catholic military chaplain charged with sexual assaults
By Jonathan M. Katz
3:15 p.m. August 30, 2005
WASHINGTON – The Army is investigating a Roman Catholic military chaplain on multiple charges of forcible sodomy and assault.
Capt. Gregory Arflack was suspended both by the Army and his dioceses pending the results of the investigation.
Arflack, 44, is a chaplain with the 279th Base Support Battalion. The unit performs administrative functions at its post in Bamberg, Germany, which also houses the 1st Infantry Division.
The Army is investigating 12 charges: three counts each of forcible sodomy and indecent acts, two counts each of fraternization with enlisted service members and disobeying orders, and one count each of indecent assault and conduct unbecoming an officer, said Maj. Bill Coppernoll, a 1st Infantry Division spokesman.