Sept. 4, 2005, 1:41AM
Some Astrodome evacuees sent to other shelters
Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle

Johnny Hanson / For the Chronicle
With an energy drink in hand, Carlos Harris, a bus
driver from Houston, said he was relaxing at home
when he got the call to come to the Astrodome to
bus evacuees to other shelters around the state on
Saturday night. About 25-30 buses are expected to
take evacuees to Corpus Christi, San Antonio and
At least 600 evacuees from Hurricane Katrina were going to be evacuated from the Houston Astrodome complex to other shelters in Texas, county and federal officials said Sunday morning.
Several of the charter bus drivers said their initial instructions -- from officials of Metro -- were to drive their passengers to shelters in Austin or San Antonio.
About ten to 15 more charter buses were expected to arrive at the Reliant Astrodome complex early Sunday morning, as county, state and federal officials decided where to send more storm survivors.
Early Sunday morning, there were 12 charter buses parked with their engines running and their air conditioners on in the Astrodome parking lot. Meanwhile, four more school buses carrying survivors from Lafayette Parish in Louisiana pulled into the huge complex.
"The people coming here are being processed through the Reliant Area, and they are then going to be taken to a shelter in another part of the state," Eckels said.
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