Edited on Tue Oct-21-03 09:26 AM by Flying_Pig
inside this administration, and to see it all documented so well. On the one hand, they had Cheney, vetting all the information, and then handing it off to Bush's office. But it was PNAC operatives Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Bolton, Libby, et al, that were feeding Cheney.
Interesting to note, that every one of the PNAC operatives named in Sy's article, are radical pro-Israel people, most of whom have worked directly for the Israeli government, at one time or another. Add to these facts, that during this period Israel was lobbying Bush/Cheney furiously to invade Iraq (as they are now working to have the U.S. invade Syria and Iran).
What is clear to me, is there were two major factors at work here, and possibly a third. The first, was Cheney/Bush's desire to control Iraq's oil. Secondly, there was Israel's desire to have the U.S. in the M.E. in a big way, and to have the U.S. invade and neturalize Iraq. The third, is that the Saudi's, worried about possible Saddam hegemony, also encouraged invasion. All of these groups, using each other to further their causes, embraced the convicted felon Chabli as their primary information source.
It is also clear, that regardless of the information sources, they would have, and did, manufacture whatever they felt was needed to justify their actions. And, in a stunning admission of media manipulation and propaganda dissemination, the article contained the following little nugget, "A routine settled in: the Pentagon’s defector reports, classified “secret,” would be funnelled to newspapers, but subsequent C.I.A. and INR analyses of the reports—invariably scathing but also classified—would remain secret."
The media were/are willing supplicants and whores, and as guilty as any party for the Iraq debacle. It was the media that gave us Bush in the first place, and then further enabled his right-wing agenda and his Iraq escapade of lies. And now, as the 04' elections approach, I expect they will do all they can to keep him in office
Upon a Democratic victory in 04' (which, barring vote machine fraud, war, or suspended elections, we will win), we MUST extract retribution on this nation's media. They have committed treasonous crimes against this nation, by actively engaging with the Bush regime to disseminate lies and propaganda, and in the process, bringing grave harm and danger to this nation. They must be required to pay a severe price for this betrayal.