Offers to Compromise on U.N. Issues
The Associated Press
Tuesday, September 6, 2005; 7:06 PM
UNITED NATIONS -- With time running out before next week's U.N. summit,
the United States offered to compromise Tuesday on three key issues _ an
unexpected attempt to inject new life into difficult and divisive
negotiations on a document for world leaders to adopt.
Ambassador John Bolton presented the three proposed amendments on
development _ the most important subject to the majority of the 191 U.N.
member states _ at the start of a meeting of 32 countries trying to
reach agreement on a text. The so-called "core group" had before it a
new 45-page draft with more than 250 proposed changes.
The United States has been widely criticized for seeking to eliminate
references to the Millennium Development Goals. It has argued that the
goals were a follow-up to the Millennium Declaration adopted by world
leaders at the last U.N. summit in September 2000 _ but were not
adopted by the leaders.
But Washington backed down Tuesday, saying it is ready to accept
the use of the phrase throughout the text, provided that it can be
appropriately defined.
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