procedures canceled, rescheduled
Saturday, September 10, 2005
...On Thursday, clinics were told they had to comply immediately following a federal judge's late-afternoon ruling upholding a law that requires anyone seeking an abortion to meet face to face with a doctor at least 24 hours beforehand.
A 16-year-old rape victim, who traveled from Akron with her mother, was among those having to forgo their procedures Friday at Preterm in Cleveland, said Linda Jane, the clinic's director of development and communications...
Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro(running for governor) opposed a two-week delay of what he called "these important pro-life protections."
His motion, filed on behalf of Gov. Bob Taft, called clinics' predictions of scheduling and other problems "either entirely speculative" or ones "the clinics created by doing nothing" since the law was passed more than seven years ago...
Ohio abortion law upheld
Judge says restrictions begin immediately Friday, September 09, 2005
Columbus - A federal judge determined Thursday that a 7-year-old Ohio law imposing new restrictions on minors and adults seeking abortions is constitutional and takes effect immediately.
Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro(running for governor), who defended the law, praised the ruling as a "victory for the unborn."
Cincinnati attorney Al Gerhardstein, who argued against the law, deemed it the latest assault on the rights of Ohio women...
The case centers on a 1998 law signed by then-Gov. George Voinovich...